Bundles » Future Trends in Freight Transport
This bundle deals with the topic of "future trends in freight transport" and addresses the need for alternatives in freight transport and possible solutions by optimizing existing means of transport, visionary means of transport and innovative transport concepts.
Future Trends in Freight Transport
The document provides you with additional information on the set of slides "Future Trends in Freight Transport".
Increasing global freight traffic is leading to an increasing congestion of the transport infrastructure. Road transport in particular is increasingly reaching its limits, which is reflected in increasing congestion. Environmental pollution is also increasing: rising CO2 emissions, fi…
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Group work activity "Future Transport"
Students have to collect information about visionary transport means in small groups and then create an appealing presentation. This group work activity includes an instuction and an assessment sheet.
Duration: Entire lesson
more- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050 - A Scenario Study
Deutsche Post DHL has prepared an issue of the “Delivering Tomorrow” series: namely, a scenario study on “Logistics 2050.” This publication presents five far-ranging, at times even radical visions of life in the year 2050 and their implications for the logistics industry.
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The World in 2050 - Future study presented by Frank Appel
Frank Appel, CEO Deutsche Post DHL talks about the scenario study on "Logistics 2050" as an issue of the “Delivering Tomorrow” series. This publication presents five far-ranging visions of life in the year 2050 and their implications for the logistics industry.
morePlaytime: 12:06:45Download
Exercise "How Drones Will Affect the Logistics Industry in the Next 10 Years"
This exercise is dealing with the topic of drones and how drones will affect the logistics industry in the next 10 years. Students have to read an article and answer a few questions on the topic.
Duration: about 15 minutes
more- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Exercise: Austrian Federal Forestry Office Tests Heavy Lift Drone
The following short exercise deals with the topic of heavy lift drones.
- you are free to use, adapt and share this exercise.
Film: ALICE - Physical Internet
This video is dealing with the topic of Physical Internet as future vision of transporting goods in an innovative and sustainable way.
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